Trevor Lamb completed his ninth marathon on 10/04/16 in Rotterdam in a time of 4:56:23.
Race face for Trevor Lamb
He got a nice shiny medal for his trouble.
Shiny medal
While on the same day Seaparker Alyn McChesney completed the Manchester Marathon in 5:49:40.
31 Seapark AC members took part in the Titanic 10K, which was also on 10/04/16. Ian Cleland was the first club member home with 37:42. Nine achieved a PB. Elisoa Crawford 41:05, Jonathon Bell 45:29, Phil Mone 45:54, Gillian Strudwick 47:40, Andrew Smyth 49:18, Julie Clyde 49:37, Julie Marshall 57:41, Karen McMaster 1:01:20 and Geraldine Kane 1:02:31. Geraldine’s time last year was 1:10:11. Plus for Chloe Anderson it was her first ever 10K race with 1:02:39.
We’ve seen enough photos of Ian Cleland so here’s one of Caroline Salters, Gillian Strudwick and Becki Tester at the Titanic 10K having a laugh instead
Over 300 runners attended the Ballymena Belles 5 Mile Road Race on 12/04/16 and of course Seapark AC was there. Julie Clyde 40:55, Josephine McAlister 47:04, Rebecca Tester 47:26, Alyson Sangster 48:49 and Karen McMaster 49:53 all ran the 5 mile course.
The girls at the Ballymena Belles
Gillian Cordner was the 1st lady home at the EAMS marathon on 14/04/16 with a time of 3:51.
Gillian Cordner at EAMS
At the Born 2 Run Castle Ward challenge on 16/04/16 Seapark AC had 7 people do the 10K and 15 do the half marathon, plus Philip Poag did the 10K walk.
Everyone who walked and/or ran at Castle Ward
The 10K was ran by Bobbie Irvine 44:39, Trevor Lamb 59:14, Carol Woods 1:00:29, Nicola Irivne 1:01:44, Jenny Robinson 1:04:20, Geraldine Kane 1:12:25 & Carol Downey 1:22:03.
The Seaparkers who got to Castle Ward in time for the photo
While the half marathon was ran by Ian Cleland 1:32:04, Philip Mone 1:51:37, Mark Welsh 2:02:19, Gary Connolly 2:07:15, Gillian Cordner 2:07:15, Karen Poag 2:12:20, Julie Clyde 2:18:17, Karen Hanson 2:25:30, Jacqui Coghlan 2:26:31, Alison Welsh 2:26:32, Sara Johnston 2:26:33, Josephine McAlister 2:32:00, Becki Tester 2:49:13, Caroline Mone 2:49:46 and Helena Perry 2:59:20.
And on 17/04/16 Ruth Hawkins completed the Armagh 10K in 50:36.
Seaparkers were all over the UK & Ireland + mainland Europe over the last few weeks.
Gillian Cordner and Gary Connolly travelled to Wicklow to take park in the Vartry 100. Despite challenging conditions Gillian completed the 100 mile event in 20 hrs 57 mins and was 3rd lady home with a PB by approximately 2 hrs 47 mins. Gary ran the 50K event in 5 hrs 58 mins.
Gillian Cordner and Gary Connolly at the Vartry 100
In the Mussenden 10K on 26/03/16 in Castlerock Clive Weatherhead was the 1st Seaparker home, and 9th overall, with 41:26. He was followed by Brendan Rice 42:15, Richard Hetherington 42:52, Aimee Weatherhead 55:03 and Susan Kane 1:10:19.
The Mussenden 10K crowd
In the Omagh half marathon on 26/03/16 Charlie McCormick finished in 1:28:50 and was followed by Robert Murray 1:33:26 (PB) and Gillian Strudwick 1:46:13.
Charlie McCormick, Gillian Strudwick and Robert Murray PB at Omagh
Neill Harper and Trevor Lamb travelled to Cardiff for the IAAF/Cardiff University Half Marathon Championships that took place on 26/03/16. Mo Farah may have come 3rd but Neill Harper was 4929th with 1:54:22 while Trevor Lamb was 7232nd with 2:04:34. Technically, since it was an IAAF official race, these are their world rankings.
Some dudes at the Cardiff ExpoSmug face Neill post raceThe T1000 at the IAAF/Cardiff University Half Marathon Championships
In a slightly different challenge Ian Cleland completed in the NI Sprint Duathlon in Belfast comprising a 2 mile run, 10 mile cycle and another 2 mile run. Ian completed the course in 1:01.
Ian Cleland at the NI Sprint Duathlon
On Easter Monday 10 Seaparkers took part in the Whitehead 5 mile road race. Ian Cleland was the first Seaparker to finish with a time of 30:35. He was followed by Bobbie Irvine 32:41, Alanah McCombe 35:26, Jonathon Bell 36:45, Lynda Shannon 37:13, Andrew Smith 39:37, Jennifer Jackson 41:35, Allan Grant 42:44, Rosin McConnell 44:07 and Sarah Johnston 45:41.
That dude again, this time at Whitehead
On Sunday the 03/04/16 a number of Seaparkers competed in the latest EAMS event. Official times haven’t been released as yet but Alison Welsh was the 2nd lady home for the half marathon in around 2:08. While in the full marathon Seapark was represented by Charlie McCormick 3:26:46 (PB), Brendan Rice 3:52:04, Gilliam Studwick 3:54 (PB), Gillian Cordner 3:59:25 and Karen Waring 5:15.
Alison Welsh was the 2nd lady home for the EAMS half marathonCharlie McCormick PB at the latest EAMSGilliam Studwick PB
Just up the road at Hazelbank at the same time was the 2nd annual Rabbit Run 5K. Gun times are only available. The 5K was attended by Bobbie Irvine 20:31 (6th place finisher), Julie Clyde 25:32, Philip Magill 26:58, Trevor Lamb 27:17, Laura Laverty 28:24, Rebecca Tester 28:25, Lynette Magill 29:06, Josephine McAlister 30:16, Beverley Kernoghan 32:54 and Helena Perry 33:43.
It’s wabbit season at the Rabbit Run 5KTrevor Lamb and Philip Magill
Also on 03/04/16 was the latest RunHer 10K at Delamont. Competing in it where Elisoa Crawford who was 4th overall with 44:31, Jennifer Jackson 56:16, Carol Woods 59:11, Jacqui Coghlan 1:00:21, Julie Kelly 1:03:31, Karen Hanson 1:04:01, Julie Marshall 1:07:44, Nicola Dhunlop 1:08:30, Geraldine Kane 1:17:20 and Carol Downey 1:20:30.
RunHer 10K gang
And if that wasn’t enough the Waggy Races 5K at Larchfield was also on Sunday 03/04/16. Four Seaparkers attended the event with their K-9 companions. Robert Murray with Cody took 6th place overall with 23:38 and they were followed by Neill Harper with Oska 27:57, Julie-Ann and Harry Mitchell with Sparky 36:17 and Glenda Murray with Bazil 46:25.
Robert Murray and CodyNeill Harper and OskaJulie-Ann & Harry Mitchell and SparkyGlenda Murray and Bazil
A bit further afield Karen Poag 1:57:32 and Philip Poag 2:07:01 attended the Berlin Half Marathon on 03/04/16.
Karen Poag at the Berlin Half MarathonPhilip Poag at the Berlin Half Marathon
Richard Hetherington was the first Seaparker home for the Craic 10K in Belfast on St. Patricks Day with 42:23. He was soon followed by Gillian Cordner (1st Seapark AC lady home) who had a time of 43:59. Other members in attendance where Gary Connolly (45:28), Patrick Hughes (49:17), Colin McCrum (49:24), Neil Harper (50:21), Ruth Hawkins (50:58), Trevor Lamb (55:03), Carol Woods (55:14), Jenny Robinson (55:46), Rory Poag, on his 1st 10K (58:12), Karen Poag (58:12), Rebecca Tester (58:48), Alyson Sangster (59:04), Ann McCracken (1:00:19), Susan Kane (1:07:26), Caoimhe Rice (1:07:39) and Brendan Rice (1:07:40).
Richard Hetherington was the 1st Seaparker to finish at the Craic 10K
The big race of the week was the Larne Half Marathon on Saturday with forty eight Seaparkers attending this event.
Not everyone make it in the photo. Some where still running back from the Larne parkrun
There were so many Seaparkers that they had their own cheer squad to keep them motivated.
Cheer Squad ACRuth Hawkins being a diva
Twenty members achieved a PB for the half marathon distance. They were Charlie McCormick (1:28:09), Robert Steele (1:38:22), Mark Welsh (1:38:23), Gillian Strudwick (1:44:55), Phillip Mone (1:46:54), Julie Clyde (1:52:42), Julie-Ann Mitchell (1:55:14), Jacqui Coghlan (2:02:39), Jennifer Jackson (2:03:53), Sarah Rea (2:03:55), Philip Magill (2:04:47), Alison Welsh (2:05:35), Lynette Magill (2:06:50), Karen Hanson (2:10:26), Josephine McAlister (2:11:55), Rebecca Tester (2:16:18), Karen McMaster (2:29:13), Beverley Kernoghan (2:31:52), Caroline Mone (2:34:26) and Helena Perry (2:35:12). Three more got a PB for the course. Ian Cleland (1:26:11), Karen Poag (1:52:20) and Trevor Lamb (2:04:28). Plus for another five it was their 1st half marathon. Thomas Dunlop (2:08:36), Laura Laverty (2:13:05), Alison Dunlop (2:17:32), Julie Marshall (2:18:48) and Lauren Scott (2:36:20).
Ian Cleland was 1st Seaparker home at LarneElmer Fudd was 2nd Seaparker over the line at LarneElisoa Crawford was 3rd Seaparker (and 1st lady) home at LarneBrendan Rice was the 4th Seaparker to finish at Larne
Full results are as follows.
Ian Cleland (1:26:11, PB for the course), Charlie McCormick (1:28:09 PB), Elisoa Crawford (1:31:30), Brendan Rice (1:32:41), Johnny Preuss (1:33:21), Gillian Cordner (1:35:02), Robert Steele (1:38:22 PB), Mark Welsh (1:38:23 PB), Caroline Salters (1:43:09), Gillian Strudwick (1:44:55 PB), Patrick Hughes (1:45:26), Phillip Mone (1:46:54 PB), Gareth Hamill (1:46:55), Jonathon Bell (1:47:35), Karen Poag (1:52:20, PB for the course), Julie Clyde (1:52:42 PB), Colin McCrum (1:54:24), Andrew Smyth (1:54:53), Julie-Ann Mitchell (1:55:14 PB), Wesley Wallace (1:56:57), Allan Grant (1:59:01), Gavin Irvine (1:59:43), Bobbie Irvine (1:59:44), Aimee Weatherhead (2:01:14), Jacqui Coghlan (2:02:39 PB), Karen Waring (2:02:55), Jennifer Jackson (2:03:53 PB), Sarah Rea (2:03:55 PB), Trevor Lamb (2:04:28, PB for the course), Philip Magill (2:04:47 PB), Neill Harper (2:05:06), Alison Welsh (2:05:35 PB), Lynette Magill (2:06:50 PB), Thomas Dunlop (2:08:36, 1st half marathon), Karen Hanson (2:10:26 PB), Josephine McAlister (2:11:55 PB), Laura Laverty (2:13:05, 1st half marathon), Heather Lown (2:14:43), Rebecca Tester (2:16:18 PB), Alison Dunlop (2:17:32, 1st half marathon), Sara Johnston (2:18:15), Julie Marshall (2:18:48, 1st half marathon), Marie Nicolson (2:20:02), Karen McMaster (2:29:13 PB), Beverley Kernoghan (2:31:52 PB), Caroline Mone (2:34:26 PB), Helena Perry (2:35:12 PB) and Lauren Scott (2:36:20, 1st half marathon).
Course PB for Karen Poag at LarnePBs for both Philip Magill and Lynette Magill at Larne
On Sunday 20/03/16 Josephine McAlister achieved another PB, this time for 5K (29:15) at the Jog Belfast 5K Run in Ormeau Park. Also in attendance where Alyn McChesney (29:05), Karen Poag (30:01), Neill Harper (30:01) and Helena Perry (33:51).
Gillian Cordner and Gary Connolly both did the 6 mile Sports Relief Run in Newtownabbey. Gillian completed it in 42 mins while Gary did his in 46 mins.
While Ian Hunter came 1st (out of 238) in the Muck It Ireland 5K with a time of 22:25.
Saturday 5th March 2016 was a busy day with four races attended by members.
Two Seaparkers completed the SSE Airtricity 10 mile race in the Walled City. Philip Poag completed it in 1:27:22 while Karen Poag ran it in 1:28:37.
Karen and Philip Poag at the SSE Airtricity 10 mile race
Gary Craig did the very steep Gaelforce mountain 12K run in Connemara in a time of 2:45:11 (the first place winner completed it in 1:57:03). There were four peaks to climb at 324m, 574m, 556m and 550m.
The Slieve Gullion Mountain Race was attended by Chris Livingston, who completed it in 42:19.
While over in the USA Robert Murray ran the Woodlands marathon in Texas with a PB of 3:28:35 and Glenda Murray finished the half in 2:24:51.
Robert Murray and Glenda Murray in the USA
Quite a few members of Seapark AC attended Jimmy’s 10K on 13th March. Charlie McCormick was the first Seaparker home with a chip time of 39:56. He was followed by Ronald Simms (41:04), Brendan Rice (PB of 41:47), Clive Weatherhead (42:08), Mark Welsh (45:42), Caroline Salters (46:58), Neill Harper (49:48), Andrew Smyth (50:07), Karen Poag (51:37), Beth McCormick (52:50), Aimee Weatherhead (53:38), Alison Welsh (54:38), Phil Poag (56:29), Trevor Lamb (56:33), Roisin McConnell (56:41), Karen McMaster (1:04:32), Carol Downey (1:10:32 – A six minute improvement on last years time), Geraldine Kane (1:17:54) and Michael Kane (1:18:11).
Charlie McCormick at Jimmy’s 10K
A few more Seapark members took part in the local EAMS race on 13th March. Ian Cleland was the first male home for the half marathon with 1:30:47, while Gillian Cordner was first lady over the line with 1:45, also for the half marathon. Also in attandance where Gary Connolly (1:53 for the half) and Bobbie Irvine (4:11 for the full marathon).
1st male home at EAMS half Ian Cleland1st lady home for the EAMS half Gillian Cordner
Elisoa Crawford was third lady home overall at Born2Run’s Castlewellan 10K on 27/02/16 with a chip time of 42:54. Also in attendance where Ronald Simms (40:06), Gillian Cordner (44:29), Gary Connolly (47:48), Jennie Haggan (50:47), Colin McCrum (52:16), Becki Tester (59:38) and Marie Nicholson (1:01:43).
Elisoa Crawford at the Castlewellan B2R 10K
Richard Hetherington was the first Seaparker home at the ABO Wind NI Raceview 10K on 27/02/16 with a time of 45:40. First lady home for Seapark AC was Lynda Shannon with 49:23. They were followed by Thomas Dunlop (56:10), Jenny Robinson (56:34) and Karen McMaster (1:08:22).
Richard Hetherington at the ABO Wind NI Raceview 10K
Sunday 28/02/16 brought the Resolution Run 10K to Belfast. First Seaparker over the line was Ruth Hawkins with 55:39. She was followed by Trevor Lamb (59:22), Julie Marshall (1:04:13), Jacqui Coghlan (1:04:13), Micahel Kane (1:11:00), Geraldine Kane (1:11:00) and Carol Downey (1:14:06).
Bobbie ‘Duracell Battery’ Irvine at the Last One Standing Ultra
Ronald Simms represented Seapark AC at the Omagh CBS 10K on 20/02/16 with a time of 40:05. He was 18th out of a field of 183 runners.
The Last One Standing Ultra at Castle Ward was the main event of the weekend. It started with 104 athletes at 12pm on Saturday 20/02/16. They had 1 hour to complete a 4.2 mile route every hour on the hour until there was only one person, well, left standing. Seapark AC had two athletes taking part. Gillian Cordner finished after completing 12 * 4.2 mile laps (50.4 miles) while Bobbie Irvine finished in 1st place after 30 * 4.2 mile laps (126 miles) after second place winner Pat Staunton exceeded the hour limit (1:01:35) for lap 29. Go Seapark.
Seapark AC where in full force at the EAMS half marathon 13/02/16. The top three ladies where from Seapark. Gillian, Julie and Annette. Ian Cleland was the second male home.
Saturday 13/02/16 saw Seaparkers Gillian Barnhill, Ian Cleland, Jennifer Clements, Julie Clyde, Gary Connolly, Karen Hanson, Beverley Kernoghan, Heather Lown, Josephine McAlister, Phil Magill, Lynette Magill Owens, Philip Mone, Helena Perry, Alyson Sangster and Karen Waring compete in the local EAMS half marathon.
While on Sunday 14/02/16 the first race in the 2016 half marathon series took place. Yes, it is already time for the Dune Cross Border Half Marathon. Gillian Barnhill, Gary Connolly, Angela McCormick, Charlie McCormick, Karen Poag, Phil Poag, Brendan Rice, Andy Smyth, Gillian Strudwick (PB), Rebecca Tester, Amy Weatherhead (first half marathon), Clive Weatherhead, Alison Welsh and Mark Welsh where in attendance.
Seaparker Becki Tester with Conor Sheridan at the Dune half marathon
On Saturday 16th, 14 athletes from Seapark AC travelled to Mount Stewart on the banks of Strangford Lough to compete in Born to Run’s 10k Forrest Series 10k race.
Results: Ronald Simms 41.49, Ellie Crawford 42.49, Bobbie Irvine 43.49, Mark Welsh 44.06, Gillian Barnhill 48.55, Gary Connolly 48.56, Jennie Haggan 48.50,
Alison Welsh 55.13, Colin McCrum 55.12, Karen Hanson 57.46, Ann McCracken 58.38, Karen Waring 58.45, Becki Tester 101.42, Karen McMaster 104.05
Ronald Simms represented Seapark at the Sperrin Harriers An Creagan 5mile trail race today which takes places annually in the foothills of the scenic Sperrin Mountains. Ronald maintained a steady pace completing the course in a time of 33min 42secs.